Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Why do people stay in bad relationships just for the Kids?

Inquiring minds have asked the above question.

I know you that you won't believe what I am about to say, but.....
I don't really know the answer to this question. Well, at least not from experience.

However, I know plenty of people who do and this is their response.

When a marriage or relationship has hit the rocks and the ship is sinking, under normal circumstances, the response is simple........JUMP SHIP AND SWIM FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!
 Now,.....If you were to throw some kids on that same sinking ship, everything changes. You no longer can swim for your you have to decide who is going to swim with the kids on their back and still manage to stay above water.

Men and women stay in relationships involving children for different reasons.
Many of the men I know, grew up in one parent homes and rarely, if ever, saw their biological fathers. They have experienced the pain of growing up as a man without one there to show him the way. Let's be honest, a woman is completely capable of raising a boy into a man all by herself.    Shit....most men today were raised by only women and turned out just fine (others, had a little more sugar in the tank than normal, but hey....everybody loves Kool-aid right?).

 But there is no substitute for a strong male figure in a young boys life. The same is true for a young girls life as well.

It is for this reason that many men stay in loveless relationships. They do not want their kids to go through what they did......."a fatherless childhood".

Please don't completely buy into the bullshit just yet.
There are many men, who are only concerned with how society will view them if they leave. They like to walk around town, bragging about how good of a father they are how they hold it down for their kids.
("WHISTLE")------Bullshit flag.
15 yard penalty, repeat 4th down.
These conceded mutha f*ckas, use their kids to make themselves look good. They buy them nice things like clothes, toys, and video games.......

but tell me this..
When was the last time that "great father" showed up to a recital, huh,   or to a parent teacher conference, huh???

 Ask him if he knows what his kids are into.

 I am sure he shows up to all the events where pictures are going to be taken though.
If he really cared about staying together for the kids, then he wouldn't be next door at Ms. Parker's house getting some milk and cookies, would he. No, he'd have his ass at home making milk and cookies for his family.

Now lets get to these women.
Most women are naturally instilled with the compassion and bond with their children that will never allow them to leave. Many of them are willing to stay in a relationship no matter how terrible or even abusive it is to them, for the sake of allowing their kids to keep on believing that "they are one big happy family".

They will trade their happiness for their children any day, and putting up with a broken marriage is a small price to pay if it makes their children happy.

Please don't completely buy into the bullshit just yet.
They are many women who are only concerned with keeping their man in their lives, so they use the kids to keep them around. There are other women, who are only concerned with how much money they can squeeze out of a relationship. These are the women who are responsible for the word "Bitch" applying to more than just dogs. They use the kids as pawns in a game, where they manipulate the men in their lives to get whatever they want. If the man wants to leave and gain full custody of the kids, she will pretend that she wants them in order to negotiate the highest possible alimony settlement she can get.

So there you have it.
There are many reasons why people stay in bad relationships, just for the kids.
I hope that whatever situation you may be going through, it is truly for the kids. Other wise, I am more than happy to donate some prayers in your honor.
I hope I never have to go through it.

Love, Peace, and KFC Chicken Grease.