Thursday, August 25, 2011

Rules to Dating Your Friends Sister

Apparently, people still haven't caught on to the simple fact that THERE ARE RULES TO EVERYTHING.....AND EVERYTHING HAS RULES.

If you are going to do something, then do it right and follow the damn rules. If not, then know that there are real and sometimes severe consequences to those actions.

So let me lay this topic (again) on your Medulla Oblongata. ( you know, that part of your brain that controls your emotions.....unless you are Like the Water Boy, of course, and believe that happiness comes from ray's of sunshine.)

The topic of today's discussion is RULES RELATED TO DATING YOUR FRIENDS SISTER.
First and foremost, I would like to say that you should NEVER,,,,,,,,EVER,,,,,,,EVER,EVER, EVER, .....DATE YOUR FRIENDS SISTER.

You don't mix business with pleasure.
Business in this situation, would be your relationship with your friend.
Pleasure would have to be any relationship with a woman who you plan on Boinking.

The funny thing about human emotion, is that you have no power over who you are attracted to. No matter how hard you can not, fight, ignore, or control the desires of your mind, body and can only control how you act upon them.
Which brings us back to the topic at hand.

If you should ever find yourself in a position, where you have developed strong fellings for a brother or sister of a close friend....Then there are rules and regulations that lay out the correct protocol, for pursuing these types of relationships.
First, I would like to explain the difference between mice and men.
The only difference between mice and men is an oval shaped pair of BALLS.

There is absolutely, nothing wrong with having feelings about ya buddy's sister.
However....If you ain't got the balls to let him know, then we are dealing with a serious case of what P. Diddy has called "Bitch-ass-ness".
Assuming that all parties involved are "grown, consenting, adults",...One might argue that it is none of the older siblings business......Touche' to you.

But if it is to be a secret, love affair....Then don't go out in public!!!!!

It only becomes a problem when everyone and "Dey Mamma" hear's, see's, and knows about it.......except the over-protective, pistol-wheeling, psychopathic, brother.

To Sum up everything:
It is o.k. to date your friends sister or brother.
The rule of thumb is simply to let him/her know.

Nobody is saying that you have to ask permission!!!  The rule simply states, that you inform your friend of the situation.
Beware:.....You may have to choose 1, or loose both. That is the risk you take buddy.

"It is better to hear from the horses mouth, than to smell from the horses rear."

OBTW......If you fuck Tater Up in the relationship, with his sister, he already knows your weaknesses and exactly where to hit you to hurt you the most....And if he doesn't beat the shit out of you......His dad will kick his ass for doing NOTHING...and especially your ass for doing SOMETHING.
Double Whammy.
Just saying.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Is it wrong to be what they call you??

It has been brought to my attention that I "am insatiable". For the majority of you, you are like me and had a WTF moment when you read that.
I have been called a number of things from a mean asshole to God's girft to humanity.........I've heard it all.
Except insatiable.
So I had to go look it up.
Turns out, that the word meant that I was unable to be satisfied.
Someone felt that no matter what I accomplished or what I got, would never be enough and I would always want more.
At first, I took this as an insult, and confused it with being ungrateful. But after further research, I was able to learn that it merely meant that I constantly needed to set new and higher goals in my life.
After my initial anger was replaced by an honest realization, that they were right, i came to form this question:
"What's wrong with that?"

Is it wrong to aim for the skies and strive to be all that you can?....
I suppose what they meant was that even after I have reached my goals, I decide that it isn't good enough and I want more.
They could not be more correct........I WANT IT ALL.

I feel like a life without purpose is a life not worth living......Contentment, to me, is death.
If you are satisfied with where you are in life, and do not wish for anything more, then you are wasting God's gift of life.
He has given you what you a stepping stone to reach his next blessing.

What separtates a person who works to survive, from a person who survives to work?????  MOTIVATION.....that's what.

If working to survive is your idea of maximiziong your "one life to live" then, so be it. But as for me, I choose to travel a different path.
I feel that every goal accomplished should be followed up by a more impossible goal. It is through this method of thinking that all the greats have achieved greatness.
When others say NO, I just smile and imagine the look on their facces after I have transformed and unimaginable act, into a simple shrug, indicating that I have "been there, done that  ....(Yawn)"

Before that comment was made to me, I had no clue that I was insatiable. But now....I wear it a Phat Azz Platinum Rolex Wristwatch baby........BAM!!!!  In yo face.

I didn't wrtite this blog to motivate myself to aim high....I have always done that.
This blog was written to let you know that it is ok to be insatiable. In fact,.....If you aren't, you are probably wasting some high quality oxygen, and I need as much as I can get. (unless you're from Pittsburg, I heard your air sucks..sorry JKIReal)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

100 Blogs Later

Well, ladies and Gents,
I have finally made it to my blog, Centennial milestone.
So after 100 blogs, I wonder how much I have changed over the time.

100 blogs ago, I believe I wrote for others. Now, I write for myself.
I have invented a few words and changed a few lives along the way. (yeah, I am pretty modest huh?)

I just wanted to use this opportunity, to thank you all for keeping me motivated and encouraged.
I really want to send a special shout out to all my haters.
Thanks to you, for your negative comments and always giving me ammunition to fuel my already heated fire.
I salute you all with a smile and a middle finger.

I dedicate the words....MUFFER AND you bitches.

I would like to thank my Wonderful Therapist, Ezra for your direction and lessons in life.(Not really, but thanks for listening to me though)
You were more than a Guardian Angel sent from God.......You were the 3rd piece of my enlightenment Triangle
Your name was Ezra,

There is a chapter in the Bible named Ezra,


Put all 3 together....And you have a shit load of contradictions going on. (God, the Devil, and the mediator....ha.)

The last year of my life has been totally awesome.
I have weathered storms that made Katrina look like a slight breeze and survived.
The man in the mirror looks younger and stronger than ever before.
Some would say that I have become a cold and bitter individual, but that is sooooo not true.
I have merely realized that nice guys finish last, and I am a Winner (in my Charlie Sheen voice)

Life is too short to allow others to dictate who you should be.

Love the skin that you are in, and live life to the fullest.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Holy Spirit PART 2

I was trying to find Bro. Franklin dancing on youtube when I happened to stumble upon this video right here.
I could write a thousand blogs about this 1 video, but a picture is worth a thousand words.

I really don't know what people mean on face book when they write things like "#pause"  but I think this may be one of those times they would use it........Check it out for yourself at the link below. I tried to embed it on my site but it is being a little TATER at the moment.