Tuesday, September 27, 2011

She Did It For Love

Have you ever found yourself, up in the middle of the night, for no apparent reason.......and flipping through the channels trying to find something decent to watch on TV?

If you have,......then you probably know that there isn't shit on besides info-mercials and ........more info-mercials, trying to sell you shit and tell you how fat you are......because from a marketing stand point,....only lazy fat mother taters are up at that time of night.

Well, I have found myself up at weird hours of the morning watching these depressing shows.
That is,.....until I found the animal channel.

I was watching this show about this family of wild dogs.
In the episode I watched, this mama dog had just given birth to a batch of young pups and as they got older, she had to go out and hunt for food to feed them.
She came home to find some huge predator trying to eat her babies.

Now, keep in mind that she is a fucking dog.....and the thing trying to eat her babies is like a lion.
There is absolutely, no chance in hell that she can possibly win that battle.

So, while I am sitting there watching the show.....I am saying out loud....."run stupid bitch (literally).....you can't beat a lion" ......I watched her charge at the lion in order to protect her beloved pups.
(S M H)
sure enough, he killed her almost instantly and enjoyed a buffet of wild dog and puppy chowder.

Even though it made more sense for her to save her own life and produce more babies, it was only natural that she sacrifice herself in order to protect her young.

There is nothing in the world that can replace something that you love. It is more than sentimental.....some things are irreplaceable.

If you won the lottery and had no one to share it with, it would be worthless.
So when you see people do stupid things, for people they love,.........
Know that sometimes, ......love has the capability to make stupidity disappear.
If you have ever known love, then you have known stupidity, at some point or another.

If you have not......then you haven't understood how much ignorance can be truly bliss.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Leap of Faith

Back in high school, I used to run track. Well, honestly, I really didn't do much running. I was more of a field event specialist (I wasn't that special). My most troubling event was the triple jump. Never in my life, had I ever jumped off of my right foot before, and the triple jump demanded me to jump off of it twice, before making the third jump with my dominant left one. At first I told the coach that I couldn't do it, but he saw something in me that I didn't see in myself. So I took a chance and stuck with it. Eventually, I mastered the technique and it quickly became my best event.

All that was said in order to set the foundation for today's topic.........Leap of Faith.
In life, you have to make some very important decisions.......which job to take.....weather or not to accept a promotion.......to move to a new city.....when to have kids.....when to get married....who to marry....ect.

All of these decisions require you to take a leap of Faith.
Jumping without knowing where or how you are going to land. You only have faith that you will land safely without breaking your legs.....or even worst....not land at all.

Taking the safe route and only jumping when you know that you have a safe landing spot is probably the prudent thing to do. However, I learned from the triple jump in high school, that the most rewarding jumps can be the ones that are the hardest.
I learned from life, that when you take leaps of faith and break your legs upon landing.....it takes years before you are able to walk again.....sometimes......you are crippled for life.
All from taking one huge leap of faith.

When you decide to take a leap of faith, you have to leave the mountain you jumped from behind and pray that there is water on the next mountain, otherwise, you will die a slow death of dehydration or end your misery and jump off the cliff.
So think twice before you take that leap, it could be a long way down if you miss your landing.
And the only person in the entire world you will be able to blame......will be that broke legged, mother Tater, with you in that lonely, dark, pit....YO DAMN SELF.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

a moment of silence

"Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani" (MATTHEW 27 VS 46')
As Jesus was dying on the cross, these were his final words.

although some of his persecutors thought that he was calling out to the prophet Elijah, the bible defines the words as "my god, my god,.....why have you forsaken me?".

Most people in this world will never know how much people have sacrificed for them.
They only see, know, and care about what they can see.

My great grandmother, grandmother, and mother (same as all fathers), have dedicated blood, sweat, and tears so that I can enjoy freedom......true freedom;

This blog is dedicated to all of those who can understand true sacrifice........
The giving of ones self, for another.
Putting your happiness, life, love, and liberty, aside for others to be able to move on and live productive lives.

On the 10th year anniversary of 9-11,
let us take a moment of silence for all those who have lost a special person on that terrible day.

Where were you?

Where were you when it happened?

I know exactly where I was and what I was doing.
I saw every thing happen like a movie on tv. We were supposed to be watching a movie in class, but the teacher couldn't get the channel correct, because every channel was playing some action flick, filled with explosions and blasts, that the teacher couldn't change. Eventually, we found out that what we were watching wasn't a movie and told to go home and call our families.

My heart goes out to all of those family members of those people who were directly affected by these attacks.
My initial intention  in writing this blog, was to express my feelings about  recent incidents in my life........but,
at the end of the day, I must get over it and realize that my life is so unimportant in the grand scheme of life.

When people let others into their lives, they completely open up themselves to attack, scrutiny, and judgement of their short Cummings.
So when they use these things against you, you should have seen it coming.
keep your enemies close and your friends closer.

No pictures,......no quotes.....just texts, is what i have for this blog.
I have spent this past weekend watching how the family members of the lost souls of 9-11-01 have had to deal with their lost, and came to the conclusion that my petty problems are............well,
I thought my situation was so important and pressing.
I don't have the spirit to fight for such things anymore like what people think about me.

Sometimes when people go off to war and die..........the ones left behind have the gull to think that their loved ones went to die for themselves.
There is a fine line between the selfish and the selfless.
It is easy to confuse one with the other.

Most people don't think about how the women and children of those who died bravely on 9-11-01 to protect others.....probably were pissed that their loved one sacrificed themselves and their families for complete strangers.....and left them to carry a lifetime burden.
no one ever talks about that. huh?

Sticks and stones, can break the bones of giants......but words can break the heart of a