Sunday, January 1, 2012

Another Happy New year

So 2011 has come and gone and we are facing a brand new year huh?
Well beside the fact that it will take me 2 months to actually get the date right, and that my tags are officially expired,.....Not much has changed.

I'm pretty sure that all the fat f@ckers out there have made the same New Year's resolution that you made last year......To go to the gym and lose some weight, huh?
Well, the simple fact that you are still fat should tell you that it didn't work last year and it probably isn't gonna work for you this year.
The first step in making progress is admitting that you have a problem......but denial is very natural and I understand and will not judge you.
I'm just saying that maybe you should stop kidding yourself and set a resolution that is more eating only one big mac a steps.
But at least you drink Diet Coke.....I'm sure that makes a big difference with you Super-Size Fries.

My New Years Resolution is to minimize my alcohol consumption and become less dependant on worldly things.
I'm not making any promises, but I'm taking baby steps.
The hardest part about sticking to your resolution, is setting a realistic goal.
So to all of my beautiful fat people out there......Keep it real.
Stop listening to these anorexic models and talk-show hosts, who feel that you have to show your rib cage in order to be sexy.
Don't go out and buy an expensive Treadmill.
We all know how this story is going to end.....
If not, then just hit the rewind button and go back to 2011 and you can get a preview of 2012.
There is nothing more sexy than a big ass. Strut that stuff and aim for something like having a good "head Game" and a great personality. When those skinny B*tches get old, they'll look like tatering mummy's.
No disrespect........I'm just saying

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