Tuesday, September 27, 2011

She Did It For Love

Have you ever found yourself, up in the middle of the night, for no apparent reason.......and flipping through the channels trying to find something decent to watch on TV?

If you have,......then you probably know that there isn't shit on besides info-mercials and ........more info-mercials, trying to sell you shit and tell you how fat you are......because from a marketing stand point,....only lazy fat mother taters are up at that time of night.

Well, I have found myself up at weird hours of the morning watching these depressing shows.
That is,.....until I found the animal channel.

I was watching this show about this family of wild dogs.
In the episode I watched, this mama dog had just given birth to a batch of young pups and as they got older, she had to go out and hunt for food to feed them.
She came home to find some huge predator trying to eat her babies.

Now, keep in mind that she is a fucking dog.....and the thing trying to eat her babies is like a lion.
There is absolutely, no chance in hell that she can possibly win that battle.

So, while I am sitting there watching the show.....I am saying out loud....."run stupid bitch (literally).....you can't beat a lion" ......I watched her charge at the lion in order to protect her beloved pups.
(S M H)
sure enough, he killed her almost instantly and enjoyed a buffet of wild dog and puppy chowder.

Even though it made more sense for her to save her own life and produce more babies, it was only natural that she sacrifice herself in order to protect her young.

There is nothing in the world that can replace something that you love. It is more than sentimental.....some things are irreplaceable.

If you won the lottery and had no one to share it with, it would be worthless.
So when you see people do stupid things, for people they love,.........
Know that sometimes, ......love has the capability to make stupidity disappear.
If you have ever known love, then you have known stupidity, at some point or another.

If you have not......then you haven't understood how much ignorance can be truly bliss.

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