Monday, December 26, 2011


The informal definition of insanity is ......doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different outcome.
Well I guess that means that everyone is insane....right?

We all believe in hope and change......Well, at least most of us.

To believe that something or someone will change after years of being the same way is almost ludicrous.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks......

If you think that is merely a statement, then you might want to reconsider your stance.

Regardless if you believe in horoscope signs or Chinese Calender Projections, you can not deny the fact that a person is the person they will be, by the time they reach adulthood.
It's not like they will wake up one day and suddenly be completely different than the person they were the day before..........Right?

Therefore, it is insane for you to believe that your _________________....(Fill in the blank: Abusive, Selfish, Inconsiderate, Spineless, Poor Excuse of a Partner) will suddenly become this amazing person you envision them to be in your dreams. You can not change people......You can only change yourself.
If you truly accept them for who they are, then you can only blame and change YOURSELF.

If you can not come to grips with the fact that either, you have to accept your situation, or you have to cut your losses and move on, then you are doing nothing more than repeating the same actions and expecting different results.
Like I said at the beginning, that is the definition of.......INSANITY.

If you aren't INSANE.......You aren't in LOVE.
A life without love is a waste of breath...........
Donate it to someone who can use it and kick rocks.........and probably the bucket too.

(disclaimer: It was a tatering joke "kind of", I am not responsible for any attempts to end your life, just because you are emotionally unstable enough to take that last statement seriously.....*****dumbAss***)

Life is a roller coaster.......filled with ups and downs......twists and turns.......
The only thing that differentiates fear from fun, is.......FAITH.
You either have it, or you don't.

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